COVID-19 Updates



State of Maryland

U.S. Customs and Border Protection

World Health Organization

Additional Resources

Web Site News for BME members

Members may still view our static "PDF reports" after logging in to the BME website however we encourage you to try our new web based reports by hovering over the "Near Real Time BME Data Reports" header and then selecting one of the options in the drop down menu, such as "Maritime Report", "In Transit" or "Arrivals".

We welcome your input and suggestions as you use and review the beta test web reporting options . Feel free to provide input via e-mail to 

If you are not yet a member of the BME and would like to see a sample of the reports available on our website or reports we make available at fixed intervals daily via EMAIL please contact the BME at or by phone at (410) 342-6610 for additional information.

MISNA and the BME

The BME is proud to be a member of MISNA, the Maritime Information Service of North America. MISNA is an association of thirteen non-profit Marine Exchanges which together track over 85% of all commercial vessel traffic in the US and Canada.

For more information of MISNA members and services visit the MISNA website at

Links and Downloads

This page is being worked on and updated. Click on the links below to view the latest news from USCG and CBP, access to the NVMC 96 hour e-NOA or refer to the Port of Baltimore Directory.


Port of Baltimore Directory


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